
[08/02/2024] Pre-print alert: Our paper A Joint Mixed-outcome and Instrumental Variable Model for Addressing Endogeneity in Multinomial Choice and Its Consideration Set Formation is now available on SSRN repository; with co-author Hajime Watanabe

[08/02/2024] Our paper A joint analysis of accessibility and household trip frequencies by travel mode has been published in Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice; with co-authors Ahmadreza Faghih Imani, Aruna Sivakumar, Yang Xi, Eric Miller

[01/02/2023] Our paper "Bicycle route choice modelling using multi-city data" has been accepted at International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), July 2024, Vienna, Austria; with co-authors Christopher Tsa-Kwet-Shin, A. Faghih-Imani and Audrey de Nazelle

[31/10/2023] Our paper "An instrumental variable model for addressing endogeneity in residential location choice" has been accepted at International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC), April 2024, Puerto Varas, Chile; with co-authors H. Watanabe and A. Sivakumar

[31/10/2023] Our paper "Modelling active mobility route choice using Moves data" has been accepted at International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC), April 2024, Puerto Varas, Chile; with co-authors Christopher Tsa-Kwet-Shin, A. Faghih-Imani and Audrey de Nazelle

[31/10/2023] I have started working as a Research Associate (full-time) in School of Allied Health working on the ISCycle (Inclusive e-bike uptake and Sustainable use) project funded by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) and Department of Transport, led by Dr James Green at the University of Limerick, Ireland

[12/09/2023] I have started teaching (part-time) Research Design Studio to Civil Engineering undergrads at University of Limerick, Ireland

[11/09/2023] Happy to share that I have passed my PhD defence (Viva) with no corrections!. My examiners were Dr Dan Graham (Imperial College London) and Dr Jonas De Vos (University College London).

[30/08/2023] I presented our research on "Accessibility measures incorporating air pollution and crime" at the Irish Transport Research Network (ITRN) conference, Sligo, Ireland August 2023; with co-authors Aruna Sivakumar, Fangce Guo and Adam Gough

[22/02/2023] Another paper "A probit instrumental variable model for addressing endogeneity in multinomial choice and its consideration set formation" has been accepted at World Conference on Transport Research, Montreal, Canada July 2023; with co-author Hajime Watanabe

[13/02/2023] Our paper "A joint analysis of accessibility and household trip frequencies by travel mode" has been accepted at World Conference on Transport Research, Montreal, Canada July 2023; with co-authors Ahmadreza Faghih Imani, Aruna Sivakumar, Yang Xi, Eric Miller

[11/10/2022] I have passed my Late Stage Review assessment, with examiner Prof Dan Graham, who provided some valuable feedback; now onwards to writing this dissertation!

[20/09/2022] This year I will be serving as a Teaching Assistant for Transport Demand and Economics (CIVE70016)

[26/07/2022] Happy to give a talk “Semi-compensatory probabilistic model for residential location choices” at Kai Nagel’s Lab, TU Berlin, Germany

[21/05/2022] We presented our research at International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC) in Reykjavik, Iceland

[26/04/2022] I am starting as a Summer research fellow at Professorship of Travel Behavior, working with Rolf Moeckel at TU Munich, Germany

[21/03/2022] Happy to give a talk “Theoretical and Applied Choice Modelling” at ASDA head office in Leeds, UK

[21/02/2022] I have been awarded Imperial College Global Fellows fellowship and Turing Research Award to undertake research at TUM Germany.

[24/01/2022] Our paper titled “Semi-compensatory probabilistic model for residential location choices” has been accepted for presentation at International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC) happening in May 2022 in Reykjavik, Iceland!

[01/10/2021] I have been appointed as a Steering Committee Member at Imperial Network of Excellence for Life Cycle Assessment

[30/09/2021] I have accepted a position as a volunteer Mentor for The AMOS Bursary; and a similar mentor position at the TechLabs London for this academic year

[30/09/2021] I have accepted a part-time position as a Senior Data Scientist at ASDA Business Services Leeds, UK. It's going to be fun to play with billions of real-world observations involving sales data and performing neat experiments!

[05/09/2021] We presented our research titled “Incorporating the impacts of air pollutants and exposure to crime into accessibility-based planning: A London Case Study” at the WSTLUR conference (remote)

[30/07/2021] Our report “Exploring and quantifying the effect of weather on sales” is out on the The Alan Turing Institute website

[01/06/2021] This summer I am participating in the Data Study Group at the Alan Turing Institute & Leeds Institute of Data Analytics

[14/02/2021] We will be presenting our research titled “Psychosocial Factors associated with Intended Use of Automated Vehicles: A Latent Class and Latent-Variable Analysis” at the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Lyon, France; with co-authors Helene Bouscasse and Aruna Sivakumar

[30/09/2020] This year I will be serving as a Teaching Assistant for Advanced Transport Modelling (CIVE97126)

[31/07/2020] I have passed my Early Stage Assessment, a milestone in the PhD journey. My examiner was Prof Dan Graham, who provided some valuable feedback.

[17/03/2020] Covid lockdown has been put in place in London and around the world! Stay safe out there...

[14/03/2020] First PhD Paper accepted at hEART2020

[11/11/2019] I have been awarded Wellcome trust fellowship and Department Dixon Scholarship for my PhD in UK at Imperial College!

[11/11/2019] I have started my PhD at Imperial College London working with Aruna Sivakumar.

[01/05/2019] I finished my program and research assistantship at UT Austin. Adios Texas!