
I'm interested in residential location modelling, accessibility measurement frameworks, choice modelling, endogeneity and travel behaviour. Much of my research is about inferring relationship between residential location and travel behaviour (bi-directionality and endogeneity) from travel data and understanding human daily-activity pattern. My future research goals include expanding my work to incorporate broader human decision making, bringing together machine learning and econometric methods and causality in choice models.

safs_small A probit instrumental variable model for addressing endogeneity in multinomial choice and its consideration set formation (*working paper*)
[accepted for presentation at World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR), Montreal, Canada, July 2023.]

Hajime Watanabe, Abhilash C. Singh

safs_small Incorporating the impacts of air pollutants and exposure to crime into accessibility-based planning (*working paper*)

Abhilash C. Singh, Fangce Guo, Aruna Sivakumar, Adam Gough

safs_small A joint analysis of accessibility and household trip frequencies by travel mode (*working paper*)
[accepted for presentation at World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR), Montreal, Canada, July 2023.]

Abhilash C. Singh, Ahmadreza Faghih Imani, Aruna Sivakumar, Yang (Luna) Xi, Eric Miller

safs_small Accessibility in the Era of Big Data and Emerging Technologies (*working paper*)

Abhilash C. Singh, Aruna Sivakumar

safs_small Semi-compensatory probabilistic model for residential location choices (*working paper*)
[presented at 7th International Choice Modeling (ICMC), Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2022.]

Abhilash C. Singh, Aruna Sivakumar, Rolf Moeckel


safs_small Psychosocial factors associated with intended use of automated vehicles
[presented at 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Lyon, France, February 2021.]

Abhilash C. Singh, Hélène Bouscasse, Aruna Sivakumar

PDF / Code

safs_small Predictive Food Desert Simulation Modelling to increase Food Access in Underserved Communities (not peer reviewed)
[presented at Session on Highlights from the 2017 NHTS Data Workshop, 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 2019.]

Abhilash C. Singh, Kelsey Abel, Joseph Hutchinson, Kasey M. Faust, Chandra Bhat

PDF / Code / Slides

safs_small Evaluating the effects of consumer’s perceptions of safety and productive use of time on the intention to adopt autonomous vehicle technology (not peer reviewed)
[presented at 15th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Santa Barbara, California, July 2018.]

Abhilash C. Singh, Patricia Lavieri, Taehooie Kim, Chandra Bhat, Ram Pendyala

PDF / Slides / [Codes available upon request]

safs_small Chicken or the egg? Modeling simultaneous transportation choices (not peer reviewed)
[presented at Rencontres Francophones Transport-Mobilit´e (RFTM), Lyon, June 2018.]

Hélène Bouscasse, Abhilash C. Singh, Sebastian Astroza, Chandra Bhat

PDF / Code / Slides

safs_small Adapting an Existing Activity Based Modeling Structure for the New York Region
[presented at 2018 TRB Innovations in Travel Modeling Conference, June 2018.]

Rachel Copperman, Jason Lemp, Thomas Rossi, Abhilash C. Singh, Chandra Bhat, Ram Pendyala, Sara Khoeini, Sebastian Astroza


safs_small Quantifying the Relative Contribution of Factors to Household Vehicle Miles of Travel
Transportation Research Part D, Vol. 63, pp. 23-36.
[presented at 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 2018.]

Abhilash C. Singh, Sebastian Astroza, Venu Garikapati, Ram Pendyala, Chandra Bhat, Patricia Mokhtarian

DOI / PDF / Online Supplement / Code / Slides

safs_small Methods for Improving Consistency between Statewide and Regional Planning Models

Stephen Boyles, Chandra Bhat, Jennifer Duthie, Nan Jiang, Felipe Dias, Ehsan Jafari, Venktesh Pandey, Abhilash C. Singh, Cesar Yahia